Keynote Speakers
Hon. David Wright
Commissioner, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionDr. Michael Goff
Acting Assistant Secretary and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)Dr. Lassina Zerbo
Chairperson, Rwanda Atomic Energy BoardAmbassador Margaret Meg Whitman
United States Ambassador to KenyaMr. Justus Wabuyabo
Chief Executive Officer, Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA)Prof. Shaukat Abdulrazak
Director for the Division of Africa, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)Ambassador Bonnie Denise Jenkins
Under Secretary for Arms Control and International SecurityHon. Nana Menya Ayensu
Special Assistant to the President for Climate Policy, Finance, and Innovation, White House Climate Policy Office (CPO)Mr. William D. Magwood, IV
Director-General, Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)Mr. Ezra Odhiambo
Chairman, Kenya Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA)Dr. Winnie Ndubai
Director, Strategy and Planning, Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA)Mr. Alex Wachira
Principal Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, State Department for EnergyBasett Buyukah
Director, Publicity and Advocacy, Kenya Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA)Workshop Facilitators
Ms. Gale Hauck
Senior R&D Staff for Innovative Nuclear Reactors, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryMs. DeLeah V Lockridge
Group Leader, Nuclear Operations and Licensing /Senior R&D Staff - Innovative Nuclear Reactor Development Engineer, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryMr. Andrew Worrall
Director, Nuclear Energy Programs, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryModerators
Ms. Aleshia Duncan
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of International Cooperation, Office of Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of EnergyDr. Jennifer T. Gordon
Director, Nuclear Energy Policy Initiative, Atlantic CouncilEng. Erick Ohaga
Director, Nuclear Energy Infrastructure Development, Kenya Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA)Ms. Alysia Bone
Reactor Technical Policy Advisor, U.S. NRCPanelists